Thursday, January 3, 2008

Dress Code

So, the British Health Providers have been busy proving that they are a great big waste of space. They have printed out an 8,000 word publication telling staff how they should dress. Some of the recommendations included making sure staff had matching shoe laces as well as making sure that your hair is its natural colour. High heels should not be worn either. It then talks about safe clothing eg flat soled shoes, neckties and loose jewelery etc etc etc...

Anyone who has any experience dealing with patients, especially heavy patients requiring lifting, washing etc knows what is appropriate to wear and what is not. Considering that most nurses at some stage get sore backs no matter how careful they are, not once in thirteen years of nursing have I ever seen a nurse trying to lift, wash or transfer a patient while wearing high heels.

Thank goodness we have management that can take the time explain to us how to do our job, a job which many of them have never actually done. Obviously management have too much free time on their hands. They justify their actions by saying it will help reduce infection rates. I really don't see how matching shoelaces and hair colour affects this.

On a more personal note, I used to enjoy it when the nurses didn't wear a petticoat under their white uniform and they stood by the window with the morning sun shining through. I'm sure they did it on purpose.

I also love those who used to wear black or red sexy lingerie under their white dress. It really made it worth going to work.

On a more serious note, I think we look pretty good, and if someone was looking a bit scruffy, the charge nurse always sorted them out. No need for a 8000 word essay about it.

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