Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Defibrillator Battles

One heart attack down, another dozen to go I reckon.
Everyone smokes here, the maintainence guys are mostly over 50, or even 60 year old. They smoke about 30 cigarettes a day, and have a pretty decent amount of alcohol. Hell when I arrive at work in the morning to open the health center, the hall is full of the smell of cigarette smoke drifting up from the basement workshop.

The head of business has told me he's not keen on spending money on some defibrillators. "Well, there's legal issues involved" he said and "It's not just as simple as going out and buying a defibrillator." I shook my head at this "It is that simple. We buy it, then I show the staff how to use it. They're desgined so that even young children can use them. You switch it on and follow the instructions, which usually are "Push the button"

Anyway, to be thorough, I offered to have the school send me on a course to officially train others ie lay people like the teachers and maintainence guys, on how to work the damn thing.

Too much money apparently.

I wonder what happens when the next staff member drops dead. We had our first heart attack last week. Fortunately he survived, but no thanks to the health center.

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