Sunday, January 24, 2010

mercenary nursing

I think I know why nurses never seem to do as well as the others. By 'others' I mean school teachers, firemen, and policemen.

Reason 1. It's a female dominated profession and women have traditionally been screwed over by men ever since time began. Even in today's modern western world, women genererally are paid less than men.

Reason 2. People who become nurses are generally very caring people. I've known quite a number of nurses who said they would never push for a pay rise because that would mean the hospital would go broke and the community would suffer if it was forced to close.

Simply put, nurses will never earn as much as their other public service coleagues.

So what am I going to do about it?

Well, I'm trying not work in a hospital. This is a shame as it's one of the most rewarding types of nursing, you know, directly helping those most in need. But other jobs outside the hospital, in the private sector, pay better. It's a shame, because working for the rich is really quite degrading at times. They don't ask, they demand. They don't say 'Thank-you' because they are paying you for a service and don't see why they should say Thank-you for something they've paid for.

I could say more, but I'm sounding too bitter. I do care, but maybe I care more for the poor and needy. Is that so wrong?

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