Sunday, October 24, 2010


"Can you tell me what the email says?" I asked Matleena, the translator.

"Let's just forget about it" said Matleena, "It's over with now. It's not worth it". This was the second time she had refused and this of course only made me more curious. "Can you at least give me a rough idea?" I begged.

Matleena sighed and looked around to make sure no one could overhear. "Well, I've never, ever, read anything like it" she began. "It was utter, total filth, directed at you. It was poison".

This was a letter from an extremely wealthy Russian parent. Their daughter had complained that her medical treatment was inadequate. She claimed we had refused to let her see a doctor. She had a mild sore throat, no fever, no redness, no pus, and had only began during the night. When we had phoned the doctor he had said he couldn't see her until the next day.

I don't feel stupid calling the doctor for a problem such as this. The doctor and I have had many conversations lamenting the horrid, obnoxious behaviour of the kids we look after.

It only takes one email, or one phone conversation with a parent to understand where some of these kids get their problems from.

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